Brand Identity
ASAI maintains the ideals and traditions through the following policies and strategies which formulate the basis for planning programs, and implementing the vision, mission, and objectives:
- Equal opportunities, without any discrimination to gender, religious, any Arab state, or ethnic affiliations.
- Financial aid to qualified candidate students as interest free repayable loans. Repayment is made in accordance with an agreed upon installment plan, starting the first day of the fourth month following the date of graduation.
- Members of the Board of Trustees, Members of Board of Directors and Graduates are valuable sources in promoting ASAI services.
- Maintain transparency, open door policy, and provide information related to the current and future programs and projects.
- Avoid any conditional support (cash or in kind) that adversely affect ASAI’s policies, independence, and autonomy.
- As a non-profit, non-governmental organization, ASAI will avoid involvement in any political or partisan activities.
- Explore programs with similar educational organizations and foundations to ASAI which would enhance ASAI objectives.
- Observe and respect the laws of countries where ASAI has its headquarters and regional offices, as well as those countries where student receiving ASAI financial assistance are studying.
- Financial records are kept in line with audit and income-tax procedures.
- Utilizing mass media options for disseminating information about ASAI programs and services.
- ASAI is the outcome and output of its identity, since the purpose and mission and vision focus on providing financial aid and services for young scientists, for making difference and change in the socio-economic development and peace in the Arab States.
- Consequently, ASAI seeks to emphasize three main processes:
- The selectivity process through which qualified candidates attending top universities around the world, specializing in priority fields such as applied, pure and social sciences, invest in their academic pursuits and urge them to return to their home countries.
- Contributing to the standing issue of “Brain Drain” and the migration of intellectuals outside their countries seeking better opportunities and living. ASAI send a list of graduates to Contributors, Managers of Corporations, Banks, Chamber of Commerce, as well as for Trustees for the possibility of employment opportunities. Most graduates maintain high positions wherever they are equipped with knowledge, experience and know how, thus serving as a source of transferring technology to the Arab States.
- play an important role in the repayment of Interest Free Loans in installments to help other needy and outstanding students’ qualified applicants.